Thursday, November 25, 2010

Listen to what top local celebrities have to say about HIV/AIDS.

42 top local celebrities have joined hands in an effort to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.

The movement behind this campaign, AIDSAware, advocates safer sex, being responsible for our own and other people's health, being accountable for our actions and not discriminating against people living with HIV


Read more to watch the video

INTI students launch annual magazine for JPA sponsored scholars

Students of INTI college are launching an annual magazine for the Malaysia’s JPA (Public Service Department) - sponsored scholars of INTI International University’s American University Program (AUP) and South Australian Matriculation (SAM).

This magazine is an important memoir of good memories that the INTI-JPA scholars have experienced in INTI International University (INTI-IU, formerly known as INTI International University College), Nilai in Malaysia before proceeding with their respective bachelor’s degree studies in USA or Australia.
Click here to help them share their story and encourage others by supporting their campaign!